The Rimac Nevera Is So Tempting An Employee Couldn’t Refrain From Speeding

The Rimac Nevera On The Road, Doing Illegal Things

First off, what the driver of the Nevera is doing in this video is actually illegal as he’s seen hitting speeds of up to 232 km/h or about 144 mph on a two-way, dual-lane road new Dubrovnik, Croatia. According to information in the video title, at his max speed, the driver is doing some 142 km/h or 88 mph over the speed limit. On the plus side, and despite the fact that the road seems fairly thin, traffic at the time the video was recorded wasn’t all that dense so the only real danger was for the driver and passenger. So what happens when you do 232 km/h in a 90 km/h zone? Well, we’re not sure, but we promise it’s probably not good. In most countries across Europe and even in the United States, that kind of speed is enough for the police to invite you to hand over your license for a while – a fate that probably doesn’t work out to well for a guy that works for an automobile manufacturer of any caliber.

The Rimac Nevera Is So Tempting An Employee Couldn't Refrain From Speeding - image 993226

The Rimac Nevera Is So Tempting An Employee Couldn't Refrain From Speeding - image 993226

Following the release of the video, Rimac found and CEO, Mate Rimac, issued a public apology for the 41-year-old driver’s actions and included a bit about how the driver himself called the police to report his on-road crime.

“Our attitude is clear: we inform all customers, guests, and employees that driving is happening on public roads and that they must follow the law. The driver from the video called the police himself. The police came and conducted an interview and will be punished as anyone else would be punished in this situation. For other rides, we will be better careful and supervising. I apologize for the inconvenience.”

The Rimac Nevera Is So Tempting An Employee Couldn't Refrain From Speeding - image 993227

The Rimac Nevera Is So Tempting An Employee Couldn't Refrain From Speeding - image 993227

With that in mind, I can’t help but wonder how that conversation went down the after the video made its rounds and into the view of anyone at Rimac. Did Mate Rimac put on his gangster shades and direct the driver to report his actions to the police or were things more laid back with a few “what the *** were you thinking” moments in the middle. I suppose we’ll never know, but according to Croatian newspaper, the driver is facing some kind of chargers for excessive speed on D8 in Ratac. I doubt we’ll here more about it, but it goes to show how easily people can be tempted to enjoy extreme power when we have it on tap. In honesty, I probably would have done the same, but I wouldn’t have let my buddy record it and post it online. But, as they say, you live and you learn, right?

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