• Tag Archives Presidents Day
  • Housekeeping: We Take a Day Off to Celebrate POTUS

    Be Pro/Shutterstock.com

    No, not the current POTUS. Or the previous one, or the one before that, or the one before that…

    We’re taking Monday off to celebrate two long-dead presidents who shaped American history. Thanks to a revised holiday schedule from our corporate masters in … Toronto.

    I hope you read that headline above understanding my tongue was planted firmly in cheek, especially after my op-ed about a certain Jeep ad and Jason’s story on the Boss got a lot of people riled. So much is so serious right now, so I hope I got you to laugh.

    We’ll be back on Tuesday, and there may be a post here and there over the long weekend. Until then, don’t forget Valentine’s Day if you have someone special in your life, and enjoy the race if NASCAR is your thing (I’ll be tuning in).

    Oh, and stay warm. Most of North America is in a deep freeze, so be careful out there.

    See ya Tuesday.

    [Image: Be Pro/Shutterstock.com]